Our members from Abroad

Our members from Abroad

Our Partnership

Working as volunteers, we focus on changing for a better world and a good life together for peace development, tranquility and integral change; we need more partners to train leaders capable of driving the achievement of the SDGs through .

training, Amani Kwetu International (AMI-AFRICA) welcomes partnerships that contribute to the achievement of this goal. Find out more about some of our recent partnerships

Our Training

• Theatre of the Oppressed • Leadership and • counselling


Amani Kwetu International actively participates in advocacy to ensure that we challenge the social injustices around the world begining in the Great Lakes region and in The East Africa. It is part of our duty to ensure that every person in society has a voice to stand out against any form of oppression , violonce circle and work hard for developpment in our countries

Allumni Network

Through our activities, we have reached many people nationally and internationally with whom we have capacity building relationships through social networking for those living abroad and through meetings for nationals.25 young people have joined our Allumni Network and we still working together in differents program.

Explore some of our global network of humanitarian activities

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